Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring Cleaning Ritual - Fancy Chalant

Although I am an outspoken Witch, I am afraid I don't do allot of hands on Crafting.  As I don't aspire towards  much but to serve JahDESS more efficiently over time, casting this or that spell for with so and such ingredients is not something that even resonates with me.  I am Ordained that I may lend my constant focus to the highest cause of Alchemy.

Focusing on the Moon with every nth of my Soul each moment is what I shoot for.  I shoot for the Moon.  When you hop off your broomstick and actually use it to sweep this spring going about knocking the cobwebs off the nooks and crannies of life, just practice fung-shway is all...  As you clean organize and dust your home, do the same with your Spirit, mind and heart.

Its about the mind nourishing Emotions which give rise to Pure Creativity  .

Ostara Blessings

                                                                     ---Fancy Chalant

1 comment:

  1. Focusing on the Moon with every nth of my Soul each moment is what I shoot for. I shoot for the Moon. When you hop off your broomstick and actually use it to sweep this spring going about knocking the cobwebs off the nooks and crannies of life, just practice fung-shway is all... As you clean organize and dust your home, do the same with your Spirit, mind and heart.

    Its about the mind nourishing Emotions which give rise to Pure Creativity .

    Ostara Blessings

    ---Fancy Chalant
